SPIL - SimPle LIsp implementation written in Go

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SPIL is a small functional language with lisp-like syntax, static type checking and some other features like lazy-evaluations, tail-call optimization and memoization.


I started SPIL as my own experimental pet-project during the self-isolation in April 2020. The idea was to investigate how long does it take to create a programming language from scratch using other programming language (Go).

So I began with a limited number of basic concepts: 3 primitive types (boolean, integer, string) and 1 complex type (list), very simple LISP-like syntax, then I added user-defined functions, high-order functions, lambdas etc and now I'm trying to manage with generic functions and static type checking.

Though it's not a production ready language I found it very interesting and fun for some tasks (like solving problems from projecteuler.net). Also developing new programming language is very exciting by itself. So maybe some day I will implement more reliable interpreter with fast runtime.


$ go get github.com/avoronkov/spil
$ spil
(print "hello world!")
hello world!

Language overview

Well, it's a kind of Lisp, so you write you code with the constructions like that:

(print (- (* 2 3) 1))
(print (+ 1 2 3 4 5))
(print "this is true:" 'T "and this is false:" 'F)
(print "this is a raw list:" '(1 2 3 print hello))

Also it's (almost) pure functional language, so you have no mutable variables and no loops. (Actually print is the only statement with side effects).


Lines started with ; or # are comments.

Data types

SPIL (like most of other Lisps) has atoms and lists as basic data type. Atoms include the following:

Lists include:

Everything is an expression

Every statement in SPIL is an expression i.e. every statement is r-value which can be returned from function or assigned to "variable".

Basic functions

SPIL has the following builtin functions implemented in Go:

User-defined functions

You may define you own function with keyword def (of func):

; (def <function-name> <function-parameters> <body-statement1> ...)
(def plus-one (n) (+ n 1))

(print (plus-one 3))
; 4

Return value of function is a return value of last expression in function.

Note that def defined so-called "pure" function i.e. its return value can depend only on its arguments.

Function may have multiple definitions with different set of arguments:

(def factorial (0) 1)
(def factorial (n) (* n (factorial (- n 1))))

Control flows

SPIL has conditional operator if which has the following syntax:

(if  some-condition  return-value-if-true return-value-if-false)

Note that if is also an expression i.e. it has a return value.


SPIL has no loops. Instead it uses recursion as in example above:

(def factorial (0) 1)
(def factorial (n) (* n (factorial (- n 1))))

Note that such recursion is not very effective because it consumes call-stack. That's why it's better to use tail-call recursion like that:

(def factorial (n) 1)
(def factorial (0 result) result)
(def factorial (n result) (factorial (- n 1) (* result n)))

SPIL has Tail Call Optimization so the result will be returned from (factorial 0 result) directly to the caller.

If you are not familiar with recursion and tail calls you may read a great book for functional programming beginners Learn you some Erlang for great good.

Passing functions as arguments to other functions

You may pass function as an argument by its name:

(func plus-one (n) (+ n 1))

(func apply-func-to-ten (fn) (fn 10))

(print (apply-func-to-ten plus-one))
; 11


You can define lambda-functions with lamda keyword.

(func apply-func-to-ten (fn) (fn 10))

(print (apply-func-to-ten (lambda (+ _1 1))))
; 11

Lambdas are very similar to regular functions but they have some difference:

(func apply-func-to-ten (fn) (fn 10))

(set n 5)

(print (apply-func-to-ten (lambda (+ _1 n))))
; 15

Lazy lists

You can use keyword gen to define finite or infinite lazy lists. For example lazy-list of positive integers can be defined like this:

(def inc (n) (+ n 1))

; infinite lazy list of integers: (1 2 3 4 ...)
(set ints (gen inc 0))

gen has the following syntax:

(gen <iterator-function> <initial-state>)

When somebody asks for head of lazy lists then iterator-function is called with value of previous state. Iterator should return one of the following:

For example the infinite list of Fibonacci numbers:

(def next-fib (prev)
    (set a (head prev))
    (set b (head (tail prev)))
    (list b (list b (+ a b))))
(set fibs (gen next-fib '(1 1)))

(print (take 10 fibs))
; '(1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89)

Using modules

You can use other modules in your program:

(use "some-module.lisp")

(function-from-some-module ...)

You can also use module std which contains some useful functions like:

Big math

You can use big integers instead of int64 in calculations by adding (use bigmath) statement and the beginning of the main module.

(use bigmath)

(print (* 10000000 10000000 10000000))
; 1000000000000000000000


You can tell the interpreter to remember function results by defining function with def' (or func') keyword. As a result if such function is called with the same set of arguments twice then its result will be calculated only once. Second time it will return the stored result.

(def' x2 (n) (print "evaluating x2" n) (* n 2))

(print (x2 5))
(print (x2 6))
(print (x2 5))
; evaluating x2 5
; 10
; evaluating x2 6
; 12
; 10

Work with files

You can work with files as lazy-strings (?). Well, it means that you can open file and iterate over its content with head and tail methods. It may seems kinda low-lever so I've implemented functions lines and words to split string into lines of words and these functions are also lazy.

Note that you need to use std module to access these functions.

(use std)

(set' file (open "somefile.txt"))

(print (map words (lines files))

Also note that operator set' is used instead of simple set. It means that file will be automatically closed when interpreter leaves the current function scope.

(Writing into files is not implemented yet.)


You can specify types of your function parameters and function's return value.

(def contains (value:any '()) :bool 'F)
(def contains (value:any lst:list) :bool
    (if (= (head lst) value)
        (contains value (tail lst))))

(print (contains 4 '(1 3 5 8)))

The following builtin type are available: :int, :str, :bool, :list, :func, :any.

Static type checking

SPIL checks the correctness of types usage in "compile time", i.e. before actual execution of the the program. You can specify option "--check" (or "-c") for syntax and type checking of the program. E.g. when you misplace the arguments in previous example ((print (contains '(1 3 5 8) 4))) you will get the following error:

$ spil -c example.lisp
__main__: contains: no matching function implementation found for [{:list {S': {Int64: 1} {Int64: 3} {Int64: 5} {Int64: 8}}} {:int {Int64: 5}}]

Type casting

Sometimes you need to cast expressions types. E.g. in the following example:

(def ascending? (l:list) :bool
     (if (<= (length l) 1)
       (if (> (first l) (second l))
         (ascending? (tail l)))))

(print (ascending? '(1 2 3 5 8)))

you will get the error:

ascending?: >: Expected all integer arguments, found {:any <nil>} at position 0

because nth returns :any but > expects :int. So you can fix it with casting first and second elements to :int:

(def ascending? (l:list) :bool
     (if (<= (length l) 1)
       (if (> (do (first l) :int) (do (second l) :int))
         (ascending? (tail l)))))

I may look strange but actually it's rather simple. SPIL has the following forms of types casting:

; convert result of function to :int
(def get-int () :int (function-returning-any) :int)

; variable var has type :int now
(set var (function-returning-any) :int)

; convert return of do-block to :int
(do (function-returning-any) :int)

User defined types

You may define your own type with deftype statement:

; (deftype new-type parent-type)
(deftype :my-type :any)

It may be helpful in some scenarios, i.e. if we want to implement simple "type-safe" set:

(deftype :set :list)

(def set-new () :set '() :set)
(def set-add (elem:any s:set) :set
    (if (contains elem s)
      (do (append s elem) :set)))

;; This will cause typecheck error:
(set-add '(1 2 2 4 5) 6)

;; This is OK
(set s1 (set-add (set-new) 1))
(set s2 (set-add s1 2))
(set s3 (set-add s2 2))
(set s4 (set-add s3 3))

(print s4 (length s4))

Note that you cannot use :list variable where :set is required, but you can pass :set anywhere where its parent type (:list) is accepted.

Generic types (work in progress)

Types with parameters

At the some moment I realized that it would be nice to restrict somehow types of list's elements and I added types parametrization. It looks like this:

(def sum-list ('()) :int 0)
(def sum-list (l:list[int]) :int
     (+ (head l) (sum-list (tail l))))

(set li '(1 2 3 4 5) :list[int])

(print (sum-list li))
; 15

In this example we declare that sum-list accepts list of integers (:list[int]). We also convert our "raw" list '(1 2 3 4 5) into list of integers using type casting. Note that passing raw list to sum-list leads to "compile" time error:

(print (sum-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
; __main__: sum-list: no matching function implementation found for [{:list {S': {Int64: 1} {Int64: 2} {Int64: 3} {Int64: 4} {Str: "5"}}}]

You may still use type :list list in your code: now it's an alias for type :list[any].

Parametrized function types

It is possible to specify function signature in type of function like this:

(def apply-fn-to-ten (fn:func[int,int]) :int (fn 10))

(def x2 (x:int) :int (* x 2))

(print (apply-fn-to-ten x2))
; 20

Syntax of function type is the following:


Since every function in SPIL has a return-value, there should be at least one parameter to type :func.

Function type limitations

Generic types

Sometimes it is useful to have generic functions and generic types (hello, Go!). Something like this:

(def nth (n:int l:list[a]) :a ...)

(set l '(1 2 3 4 5) :list[int])

(print (type (nth 3 l)))
; :int

There is a number of pre-defined generic type-parameters (:a, :b, ... :e) but you can define your own parameter with contract statement:

(contract :cmp)

(def sort (l:list[cmp]) :list[cmp] ...)

These are not real contracts like in Go draft yet but maybe later I will add possibility to add restriction on type parameters.

Generic types limitations


; increment number
(def inc (n:int) :int (+ n 1)) 

; test if number is prime
(def prime? (1) 'F) 
(def prime? (n) (prime? n 2)) 
(def prime? (n i)
    (if (> (* i i) n)
      (if (= (mod n i) 0)
        (prime? n (inc i)))))

; lazy list of positive integers
(set ints (gen inc 0) :list[int]) 

; lazy filter function
(def filter-int (pred:func l:list) :list
      \(if (empty _1) 
        (if (pred (head _1))
          (list (head _1) (tail _1))
          (self (tail _1)))))
    (gen filt l))

; non-lazy take function
(def take (n:int l:list[a]) :list[a] (take n l '()))
(def take (0     l:list[a] acc:list[a]) :list[a] acc)
(def take (n:int l:list[a] acc:list[a]) :list[a]
     (take (- n 1) (tail l) (append acc (head l))))

; and finally:
(print (take 20 (filter-int prime? ints)))

;; '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71)

You can also find some more examples of code here